A recent study published in T H E L A N C E T O n c o l o g y demonstrated the ability of the new WID®-easy test to render 90% of surgical diagnostic procedures, e.g., hysteroscopy and curettage, unnecessary in women with abnormal bleeding during or after menopause.
The test speeds up the diagnosis of women with suspected uterine cancers, leading to less radical surgery, less need for radio- and chemotherapy, better chances of cure and healthcare cost savings.
In 400 women aged 45 and over who visited UCL-Hospital in London because of abnormal bleeding, the standard procedure for uterine cancer diagnosis included a series of imaging procedures (mainly sonography) followed, if necessary, by diagnostic surgery (hysteroscopy and curettage). The prospective study was conducted to compare the performance of the the WID®-easy test with sonography.
Both sonography and the new WID®-easy test (“WID®-qEC test” in the scientific literature) correctly detected the same number of uterine cancer cases (91 %). However, the WID®-easy test reduces the number of women who need surgical diagnostic procedures such as hysteroscopy and curettage, even though they do not have cancer, by 87% compared to the standard procedure in the UK and by 95% compared to the standard procedure in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

Imaging vs WID®-easy
The WID®-easy test speeds diagnosis in women with symptoms of endometrial cancer, leading to better outcomes and healthcare cost savings.
WID®-easy is an epigenetic test examining two DNA regions showing increased DNA methylation in women with uterine cancer.

The WID®-easy PCR Kit